Friday, September 25, 2009

How Presentations Change The Way I Address My Audience

When I give presentations and I can actually see my audience, the way I address them is different from when I cannot see my audience. When I can see my audience, they can see my body language, they can hear the tone of my voice and they can see my facial expressions. This has a big impact on the way I address my audience and this is because I can be less descriptive about what I am saying. People can infer a lot from my body language, facial expressions and the tone of my voice; therefore, I do not have to go into great detail to express my emotions if they can already infer it. But if you cannot see and hear these things, then I have to describe them so my audience will know. For example, you can tell if I am happy about something by the tone of my voice and you can see it because I am smiling but if I were to write something that I was happy about then I would have to actually write in some way, shape or form, "I am happy about…" so my audience knows. When I am writing, I do not want to assume that my audience knows how I feel with out directly stating it. But, a lot of the time, I can assume these things when I give presentations. And this is all because my body language, facial expressions and tone of voice tell a lot about what I am saying. I usually can tell if my audience understands what I am saying and if they understand my emotions about what I am saying by their facial expressions and body language. For example, when I am talking about something that makes me happy and I am smiling, my audience usually smiles too. My audience reacts in some way to what I am saying that allows me to know if it is understood or confusing. If something is confusing then I can elaborate or describe it in a different way. For that reason, my audience can actually help my presentation to be better. But if I write a paper, I only have that one chance to get my point across and I cannot try to re-explain something later. The differences that I listed above are also differences that I see myself making. I know that I rely a lot on body language, facial expressions and tone of voice when I am presenting and I know that I cannot rely on these things when I am not presenting.

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